
Someone has to write software to defend privacy, and since we can’t get privacy unless we all do, we’re going to write it.
- A Cypherpunk’s manifesto

A more complete list of contributions and software is available on Github. Project listed here are for the most part proofs of concepts and paired with a research paper: they are not maintained and are not meant for deployment.

Anonymous Tokens

Anonymous Tokens are lightweight, single-use anonymous credentials. They were introduced by Davidson et al. (PETS 2018). The library contains both Privacy Pass as well as the extensions proposed in [KLOR20] and [FLOR20].


A post-quantum designated-verifier lattice-based zk-SNARKS, used for the benchmarks reported in [GMNO18].

A zk-SNARK is a non-interactive, succinct, zero-knowledge argument of knowledge. It allows to prove knowledge of a witness for any NP\mathsf{NP} statement, without revealing any information about the witness itself. The proof size is constant in the security parameter. Square Span Programs are an efficient characterization of the complexity class NP\mathsf{NP} for boolean circuits. They have been introduced by Danezis et al. [DFGK14]. are currently implemented in libraries such as libsnark.

SNARKs are nowadays used for delegating computation, electronic cryptocurrencies, and anonymous credentials. Yet, all current implementations are based on so-called pre-quantum assumptions and, for this reason, are not expected to withstand cryptanalitic efforts over the next few decades. Here we implement an LWE scheme and benchmark the computations of prover and verifier.

Oblivious transfer

A pure-Rust implementation of oblivious transfer and oblivious transfer extensions.

Homomorphic Secret Sharing

A a blazingly-fast implementation of the group-based Homomorphic Secret Sharing Scheme of Boyle et al. [BCIG17].


An implementation of the ACME protocol (mostly client side) purely in OCaml based on RFC 8555. The HTTP, DNS, and ALPN challenges are implemented.